Hybrid Project-Based Learning course approach from face-to-face and remote experiences

Saul Delabrida 
pp. 44 – 60, download


The Covid-19 pandemic challenged students and educators who quickly migrated face-to-face courses to a remote context. Given this challenge, this paper documents the experience of a Project-Based Learning course originally proposed to a face-to-face and adjusted to the remote context. It is a wearable computing course centralizing on mixed reality technologies and user studies evaluation. The adopted methodology is student-centered based on PjBL practices, emphasizing the Human-Computer interaction subject was applied six times, three times face-to-face, and three times remotely between 2019 and 2021. This paper describes the educator’s experiences, learnings, and directions for the arrangement of other PjBL courses.

Keywords: Project-Based Learning, Student-Centered Learning, Hybrid learning, Mixed Reality, Wearable Devices, Design Thinking


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