Marcel Schmitz , Maren Scheffel , Roger Bemelmans , Hendrik Drachsler
pp. 9 - 33, view paper, download
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Issue N. 55, Winter 2023
Learning analytics offers opportunities to enhance the design of learning activities by providing information on the impact of different learning designs. Despite the availability of design methods that aim to facilitate the integration of learning analytics in learning design, there is a lack of research evaluating their effectiveness. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of the FoLA2 method. Sixty participants utilized the FoLA2 method to create fourteen learning activities in higher education settings. To measure the impact, participants completed a technology acceptance test both before and after each session. Additionally, the researchers analyzed audio recordings of the sessions using epistemic network analysis to gain insights into the discussions surrounding learning analytics and the design of enriched learning activities. The results of both the technology acceptance test and the epistemic network analysis indicated that the FoLA2 method effectively supports the integration of learning analytics during the design of learning activities.
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Schmitz M., Scheffel M., Bemelmans R., Drachsler H.: Evaluating the Impact of FoLA on Learning Analytics Knowledge Creation and Acceptance during Multidisciplinary, Co-Design of Learning Activities,, Interaction Design & Architecture(s) – IxD&A Journal, N.55, 2022, pp. 9–33, DOI:
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