An investigation of actors’ differences in the perception of learning ecosystems’ smartness: the case of University of Aveiro

Diego Galego, Carlo Giovannella, Oscar Mealha
pp. 19 – 31, download


In this paper we report on a first investigation aimed at identifying possible differences in the perception of the campus’ smartness among the players – bachelor students, master students and professors – that animate learning processes and campus’ life at University of Aveiro. The detected differences, as discussed in the body of the paper, can be ascribed to the different roles of the individuals, to the increasing experience of the campus’ life and, of course, to expectations. These latter can be used as basis to activate a design process to achieve a higher level of campus’ smartness.

Keywords: Smart Learning Ecosystems, Smartness Detection, Universities’ smartness, Smart Campus, PCA, Design for Smartness.

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