IxD&A is looking for …


– willing to present research on the development of “architectures” (at large) and methodologies integrated with the development/use of technologies able to promote a fruitful encounter between disciplines, to the benefit of the human experiences and of the expectations and wellbeing of individuals;

– that starting from the current state of the art, are able to step forward and imagine a realistic future that should be applicable in real contexts;

and, more in general, that wish to submit high quality and carefully described research content, capable to generate large impact (measured also, although not exclusively, by meaningful metrics).

Acceptable contributions are:

– full papers
– short papers
– position papers
– reviews papers
– letters to the editors (intended to be used to comments on published papers or to present breaking results)

• Conventions about authors’ contributorship

IxD&A adopts the  Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT) to describe the authors’ contributions to published scholarly output, see for example this link.
This, In order to combat gift, honorary, guest and ‘ghost’ authorship, authors have to insert in their paper after the acknowledgements and before the reference section a CRediT author statement (see authors’ guidelines page).

• IXD&A adopts a continuous submission process.

The papers (full, short, and position) will be published immediately after their acceptance. In the following months, they become part of an issue, at the end of each quarter, tentatively: April-May, July-August, October-November, and January-February.

All submissions should pass a preliminary editorial check and undergo a double-blind peer-reviewing process.

IxD&A is an open-access journal that implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents with no charge to both authors and readers (diamond route).

IxD&A will consider also the proposal of Special Issues and Focus Sections -> see the open call -> link.