Fábio Silva, João Ramos, Cesar Analide
pp. 191 – 212, download
Virtual reality and augmented reality have the potential to enhance and widespread practical learning environments in professional courses efficiently in a cost-efficient manner by limiting the costs of real resources substituting them with fixed costs from.VR/AR applications with virtual resources. There are advantages in the learning process, as practical, active and visual learning methods are more efficient and virtual and augmented reality can digitalize these procedures and replicate them at scale with different degrees of virtualization. In this work we aim to provide a framework that allows the creation of VR and AR experiences for learning or training proposes in a serious environment adding gamification elements to keep user engaged in the learning/training process. In the process gamification adaptation to VR/AR environment is demonstrated in real applications. The learning tasks in this approach are not necessarily changed or take advantage of new forms of interactions and guidance but aim to be replicated in a blend between virtual and real environments. In this regard, we hope to advance gamification application to account for more elements, such as VR/AR interaction, digital twins and digital aids in a learning application. In this article we detail possible scenarios for the application of virtual reality and augmented reality combined with machine learning in serious games and learning scenarios.
Keywords: Gamification, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality.
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