May the Patterns Be with You: A Framework for HCI Patterns Development

Diego Moreira da Rosa, Milene Selbach Silveira
pp. 175 – 208, download


By the end of the nineties, the concept of design patterns became a hot topic among the human-computer interaction community and many workshops have been held on the subject within international HCI conferences. After more than twenty years, HCI patterns continue to attract the attention of researchers around the world, but still struggle to be more widely adopted as a practical design tool. To better understand this context, we conducted a systematic literature mapping including papers from the ACM CHI Conference and from other five reputed HCI conference series. Through the analysis of 50 papers, we were able to elicit regional aspects, common terminology, and best practices for the research of patterns in HCI. Finally, based on the findings of the literature mapping, we propose an HCI pattern development framework that can assist researchers and professionals in the process of developing practical and useful pattern languages in a structured way.

Keywords: Human-computer interaction · Design patterns · Pattern languages · Systematic literature mapping · Framework.


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