Design Considerations for AR-Enabled Human-Robot Collaboration in Fabrication-Centric Architectural Design Process: A Co-design Approach.

Wei Win Loy, Anthony Franze, Jared Donovan, Muge Fialho Leandro Alves Teixeira, Matt Adcock, Markus Rittenbruch
pp.  117 – 143, download


The emergence of collaborative robotics presents an opportunity for architectural designers to safely engage in design and fabrication through human-robot collaboration (HRC). By leveraging the adaptability, creativity, and design judgement of designers with the strength, repeatability, and design precision of robotic assistance, HRC has the potential to create a unified design-fabrication workflow. Recent advancements in augmented reality (AR) technology further enhance these prospects by enabling users to superimpose context-sensitive, computer-generated information in the real world. AR technology also provides situational awareness, which proves beneficial in the context of HRC. The maturation of AR technologies offers new possibilities for developing HRC systems tailored to architectural design-fabrication needs. Recognizing the pivotal role of human factors in HRC development process, this paper aims to explore the architectural designers’ needs to develop an AR-enabled HRC system that better supports the fabrication-centric design process, such as exploratory collaborative assembly tasks.
Key findings highlight the necessity for a unified design-fabrication workflow, a clearer allocation of tasks between designers and robotic arms, an intuitive user interface, a streamlined interaction process, a better understanding of robot intentions and movements, intuitive procedures for error avoidance and correction, and enhanced user safety in HRC scenarios

Keywords: Augmented Reality (AR), Human Robot Collaboration (HRC), Human Robot Interaction (HRI), Architectural Design, Fabrication-centric Design Process, User Interface / User Experience (UI/UX), Co-design, User Centered Design (UCD).

CRediT author statement. Wei Win Loy: Conceptualization, Methodology, Software, Formal analysis, Investigating, Data curation, Writing – original draft preparation. Anthony Franze: Investigating, Writing – review and editing. Jared Donovan: Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing – review and editing, Supervision. Muge Fialho Leandro Alves Teixeira: Conceptualization, Resources, Writing – review and editing, Supervision. Matt Adcock: Conceptualization, Writing – review and editing, Supervision. Markus Rittenbruch: Conceptualization, Writing – review and editing, Supervision.


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