Remus-Dan Ungureanu and Mihai Dascalu
pp. 141 – 152, download
Romanian is the seventh most popular European language, with around 30 million speakers worldwide. Despite its popularity, the available speech resources are limited. As a result, there are few models that transcribe Romanian well, most of them being multilingual models that also cover less popular languages. Echo is a crowd-sourcing platform that has collected more than 300 hours of speech from various contributors. In this study, we document how a large speech dataset enables researchers to train automatic speech recognition, speaker verification, and diarization models to automatically process students’ notes. We publicly release both the dataset and the Whisper-based baseline model as open-source
Keywords:speech dataset, Romanian language, crowd-sourcing.
CRediT Authors Statement. Remus-Dan Ungureanu: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Formal analysis, Software, Resources, Data curation, Writing – original draft preparation. Mihai Dascalu: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Writing – review and editing, Supervision, Project administration, Funding acquisition.
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