Table of Contents N.38

Autumn 2018


Focus section on:
Human Computer Interaction Perspectives on Industry 4.0

by Mario Aehnelt, Ralf Klamma, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
pp. 5, download

Eija Kaasinen, Susanna Aromaa, Antti Väätänen, Ville Mäkelä, Jaakko Hakulinen, Tuuli Keskinen, Joona Elo, Sanni Siltanen, Ville Rauhala, Iina Aaltonen, Juho Hella, Petri Honkamaa, Mikael Leppä, Antti Niemelä, Juha Parviainen, Santeri Saarinen, Markku Turunen, Jouni Törnqvist, Juha Valtonen, Charles Woodward 
Mobile Service Technician 4.0 – Knowledge-Sharing Solutions for Industrial Field Maintenance, pp. 6 – 27 , abstract, download

Kadri-Liis Kusmin, Kairit Tammets, Tobias Ley
University-industry Interoperability Framework for Developing the Future Competences of Industry 4.0, pp.  28 – 45 abstract, download

Frieder Loch, Saskia Böck, Birgit Vogel-Heuser
Teaching Styles of Virtual Training Systems for Industrial Applications – A Review of the Literature, pp. 46 – 63, abstract, download

Nela Murauer, Nerina Pflanz
A full shift field study to evaluate user- and process-oriented aspects of smart glasses in automotive order picking processes, pp. 64 – 82,  abstract, download

Focus section on:
Inquiring the way we inquire

by Ines Di Loreto and  Elena Parmiggiani
pp. 83 – 88, download

Guri Verne, Tone Bratteteig 
Inquiry when doing research and design: Wearing two hats, pp. 89 – 106,  abstract, download

Hanne Cecilie Geirbo 
Knowing through relations. On the Epistemology and Methodology of Being a Reflexive Insider, pp. 107 – 123, abstract, download

Charles Hahn, Andrew Hoffman, Sarah Inman, Steve Slota, David Ribes 
Entangled inversions: Actor/analyst symmetry in the ethnography of infrastructure,  pp. 124 – 139,  abstract, download

Matthieu Tixier, Charles Lenay, Gaëlle Garibaldi, Dominique Aubert 
Rethinking the Accessibility of Digital Content with Perceptual Supplementation System through the Lens of an Ethics of Care, pp. 140 – 154,  abstract, download

Ines Di Loreto and Karine Lan 
Sense and Sensibility: Designing a museum exhibit with Visually Impaired People, pp. 155 – 183,  abstract, download

Regular paper

Guiying Du, Auriol Degbelo, Christian Kray, Marco Painho
Gestural interaction with 3D objects shown on public displays: an elicitation study, pp. 184 – 202,  abstract, download

Author index