Eyes on the Road: Wrist-worn Vibrotactile Navigation System for Cyclists to Reduce Distractions in Traffic

Fabian Huber, Nan-Ching Tai, Kuang-Ting Huang
pp. 134 – 146, download


Mobile navigation systems are getting more and more common, and with the rise of smartphones, nearly everyone has access to them via mobile phone apps. Despite the widespread use of mobile apps for navigation, only few solutions for bicyclists exist. These solutions however rely on the user to either look at their phone screen or wear headphones. This poses a risk to the user’s safety by taking away attention from the road conditions. Prior studies have suggested that a vibrotactile navigation system can perform similarly to already existing visual and auditory solutions. Such a system also seems to be less distracting than existing ones. This study presents a working prototype than can be used to navigate urban environments on a bicycle.

Keywords: Cyclist, Navigation System, Wayfinding, Wearable Vibrotactile Interface, Tangible Interaction Design


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