Copyright policy

International Journal on ‘Interaction Design and Architecture (s)’ (IxD&A) is an open-access journal, peer-reviewed, that implements the Gold Open Access (OA) road to its contents with no charge to the authors and to the readers (diamond route).
Open Access is immediate, permanent, toll-free online access to the full texts of peer-reviewed research journal articles.
IxD&A content can be distributed on the web under the CC BY-NC-ND license (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives) with the following limitations: only in .pdf format and only as separate articles.
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Copyright is regulated by a ‘consent to publish’ agreement.

Consent to publish

IxD&A owns the rights to distribute the content of the open access journal (published in .pdf format on the web) in other paper and electronic (e.g. e-books) formats upon payment of a fee, and to grant this right to other parties.

(The printed version of the journal is available, on-demand, from ASLERD at the cost of production and distribution.)