Laurianne Sitbon, Saminda Balasuriya, Alicia Mitchell
pp. 11 – 41, download
This article offers the perspectives of adults with intellectual disability on how future trends, particularly in social robotics, but also in collaborative robotics, can be co-designed inclusively. These perspectives are offered through research findings as well as researchers’ reflections from co-design and exploratory projects where the research team has engaged adults with intellectual disability in formal and informal learning activities led by social robots. We propose that future work can adopt the social model of disability and a human-rights approach to inclusive technology design by positioning research in a way that respects people’s unique interests and competencies, understands the role of support networks, and engages with communities that celebrate human connections. We provide practical insights into inclusive research approaches and considerations for protocols that meet the requirements of the Australian National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.
Keywords: inclusive design, intellectual disability, social robots, assistive robotics, social model of disability, human rights, co-design
CRediT author statement. Laurianne Sitbon Conceptualisation, Methodology, Reflections, Writing – original draft preparation. Saminda Balasuriya: Literature Review, Case studies, Writing – review and editing. Alicia Mitchell: Literature Review, Case studies, Writing – review and editing.
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