
Katerina Cerna, Richard Paluch, Fabian Bäumer, Tanja Ertl, Claudia Muller
pp. 27 - 47, view paper, download
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Submitted on 30 Nov -0001 - Accepted on 30 Nov -0001

Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxD&A Journal
Issue N. 50, Autumn 2021


In the time of COVID-19, many measurements to contain the pandemic contributedto social isolation and loneliness. Older adults in particular experience various forms of ageism in this regard, for example by being stereotyped as digitally illiterate. Hence, we need to learn more about the aging discourse in the context of participatory approaches, as it is currently lacking. This article presents the results from two participatory research projects that were significantly affected by the 1st COVID-19 lockdown. We specifically focus on the ways the relationships and modes of cooperation with our older research partners, i.e. the positionalities, have been impacted. We draw on the projects’results, reflecting onthe possible implications for the involvement of older adults indesign and HCI research and specifically, technologies that are supportive and empowering for the individuals against the background of the pandemic situation.

Keywords: co-design, co-research, older adults, positionality, COVID-19

Cite this article as:
Cerna K., Paluch R., Bäumer F., Ertl T., Muller C.: Transformation of HCI co-research with older adults – researchers’ positionality in the COVID-19 pandemic times, Interaction Design & Architecture(s) – IxD&A Journal, N.50, -0001, pp. 27–47, DOI:

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