
Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga, María Libertad Aguilar Carlos , Gabriela Citlalli López Torres , José Eder Guzmán Mendoza
pp. 122 - 146, view paper, download
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Submitted on 31 Oct 2023 - Accepted on 15 Feb 2024

Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxD&A Journal
Issue N. 60, Spring 2024


Traditional intervention models for children’s rehabilitation services do not fully integrate technology and partakers such as parents, therapists, and managers. Due to children’s particular needs and the new reality after COVID-19, it was identified as necessary to co-design an integrative model to improve these services. This research proposes a novel technological ecosystem model using a mixed approach of agile methodologies and design thinking tools by developing a digital learning ecosystem tailored to children with disabilities. The research ensures active involvement of users, fostering a user-centric design with three iterations that were carried on in practice with a Rehabilitation Center and a School for Special Needs in a case study underscoring the effectiveness with a measurement scale based on information success; in addition to health, education and service quality models that gave findings of how emphasize the potential of agile methodologies in future interventions for this vulnerable demographic population.


CRediT author statement: María Libertad Aguilar Carlos: Conceptualization, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Resources, Writing-Original draft, Writing- Review & Editing, Visualization. Jaime Muñoz Arteaga: Conceptualization, Validation, Writing-Review & Editing, Supervision, Project administration. Gabriela Citlalli López Torres: Validation, Writing-Review & Editing, Supervision. José Eder Guzmán Mendoza: Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Formal analysis, Resources, Writing- Review & Editing, Supervision

Cite this article as:
Muñoz-Arteaga J., Aguilar Carlos M., López Torres G., Guzmán Mendoza J.: Co-design a Digital Learning Ecosystem for Children with Disabilities: An Agile Model., Interaction Design & Architecture(s) – IxD&A Journal, N.60, 2023, pp. 122–146, DOI:


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