is a user experience designer at a software development company, where she focuses mostly on designing IT applications for healthcare. Prior to starting a career in industry, she leveraged her degree in Human-Technology Interaction to research the user experience of carbon footprint calculators, and to participate in the Erasmus+ project VASE (Teaching Value-Sensitive Design in Higher Education), both at Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands.
last update: April 0022
Articles published on IXD&A:
• ‘Teaching for Values in Interaction Design: A Discussion About Assessment’, N. 52, 2022, pp. 221 – 233, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"We experience an increased attention in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field towards the social and environmental responsibilities of interaction designers. In line with this increased attention..."
"We experience an increased attention in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field towards the social and environmental responsibilities of interaction designers. In line with this increased attention..."
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