
has sixteen years of experience working as a senior IT analyst in industry. She has been involved in international projects working from both Belgium and Greece in areas such as national taxation systems and telecommunication solutions. Her post graduates studies included research in data analytics for educational contexts, where she created an innovative framework for the integration of learning analytics in higher education institutions. She is lecturing in the field of database systems and works on research in the field business intelligence of educational institutions. She has been involved as a project officer and trainer in ten EU-funded projects, and is currently leading the support of dashboard design for a number of research and teaching initiatives.

last update: November 2023

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘Hybrid Educational Environments – Using IoT to detect emotion changes during student interactions’, N. 58, 2023, pp. 39 – 52, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"The use of hybrid educational environments, especially after COVID-19 pandemic, has intensified leading to new pedagogic challenges as the integration of biometric sensors into learning processes. Ins..."

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