
holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. An expert in Local Development and Europlanning, she has, for many years, carried out fund-raising activities for privates and public administrations, developing and managing, as Project Manager or Local Coordinator, projects financed by private foundations, national calls and EU programmes. Director of a Training Agency (Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa – CSCI, she has been working for years in the field of Vocational Training dealing with the organisation and management of courses for the unemployed, unemployable and employed, training and orientation internships, student mobility, elearning and, generally speaking, the design and use of Virtual Reality tools for the formation of work teams. Author of numerous publications in the field of distance learning, she has collaborated on SWOT Analyses and Feasibility Studies conducted as part of territorial development projects. In the field of training and local development, she has participated as a speaker at national and international events.

last update: November -0001

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘Phygital Education through Storytelling and Learning by Doing: the Binario 9 ¾ project’, N. 62, 2024, pp. 69 – 83, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"Alternatives didactic methods, based on the educational theory “learning by doing”, have been suggested in the transition from Curricula Based Education to Competence-Based Education (CBE). An example..."

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