Doctor in Psychology and full Professor she is currently Head of the Doctoral Program in ICT and Education of the Open University of Catalonia in Barcelona (Spain). Her research activity is specialised in the area of educational psychology, relating in particular to knowledge-construction processes and educational interaction in e-learning environments, evaluating educational quality and assessing learning, distance learning using ICT and teaching and learning strategies.
last update: July 2020
Articles published on IXD&A:
• ‘Fostering psychological ownership in MOOC through a self-regulation design layer’, N. 45, 2020, pp. 87 – 111, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"The paper presents the design of a self-regulated learning support layer which focuses on fostering learning agency awareness and student ownership in MOOC as quality deep learning indicators. Rooted ..."
"The paper presents the design of a self-regulated learning support layer which focuses on fostering learning agency awareness and student ownership in MOOC as quality deep learning indicators. Rooted ..."
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