
is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC), Sri Lanka. She obtained a PhD in Information and Knowledge Society (Network and Information Technologies area) in 2013 with the highest qualification of ‘Excellent Cum Laude’, focused on e-assessment and technology from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Barcelona, Spain. After the completion of her PhD, she was offered a Postdoctoral Researcher position at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) of the UOC, Barcelona, Spain. She has obtained both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the field of Computer Science from the UCSC, Sri Lanka. Her main research interests are technology-enhanced assessment, e-learning, technologies and tools for distance education, learning object repositories, Learning Analytics, Educational Technology, Human-Computer Interaction, Big Data, Game-based Learning, and Gamification.

last update: November -0001

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘Emotional Keyboard: To Provide Adaptive Functionalities Based on the Current User Emotion and the Context’, N. 54, 2022, pp. 147 – 174, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"Improving the User Experience (UX) of mobile devices is of vital importance due to the advent of emerging technologies and the prevalence of using mobile devices. This research aims to develop a model..."

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