
has a degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (UNED) and a degree and doctorate in Audiovisual Communication (Complutense University, Madrid). He is professor at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (University of Oviedo, Spain), and a former producer at Spain’s TVE. He has been a researcher in the field of ICT in education since 1986, and has published extensively in scientific journals. He coordinates several international research projects on new technologies applied to education at different educational levels. He currently coordinates the innovation project 'Materials and audiovisual strategies for a new era, in an international dimension

last update: December 2022

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘Gamification and gaming proposals, teachers’ perceptions and practices in Primary Education’, N. 53, 2022, pp. 213 – 229, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"This research has analyzed the application of gamification and game-based learning to primary education based on the evaluation of gamification by 308 primary education teachers in Spain. A quantitati..."

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