
is an Emeritus Professor of Computing at the Open University (UK). An ACM Distinguished Scientist, she received a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award in recognition of her research on the nature of expertise in software design and on reasoning and representation in software development. Her book collaborations include ‘Computer Science Project Work’ (Springer), ‘Computer Science Education Research’ (Taylor & Francis), and ‘Software Design Decoded’ (MIT Press).

last update: November -0001

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘Developing a Competence Assessment which References a Student Portfolio to a Professional Skills Framework’, N. 57, 2023, pp. 97 – 114, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"As part of the UK Institute of Coding (IoC), established to address the perceived skills gap between computing graduate capabilities and employer needs, a degree accreditation standard was developed w..."

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