
has been a postdoctoral researcher since 2022 in the Department of Applied IT at the Faculty of IT, University of Gothenburg. She is interested in how information technology changes the conditions and possibilities for education. Her research focuses on theoretical, methodological, and practical considerations surrounding platformization, artificial intelligence, and digital textbooks. Marie completed her doctoral studies at the University of Gothenburg in 2021, where she concentrated on the teacher practice of digital mathematics textbooks. Her theoretical interests primarily lie in cultural-historical activity theory and also draw on platform studies and infrastructure studies. She employs qualitative research and participatory design methods in her work.

last update: February 2024

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘A Remedy to the Unfair Use of AI in Educational Settings’, N. 59, 2023, pp. 62 – 78, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"This paper addresses concerns related to the ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on human values, with a particular focus on fair outcomes. Existing design frameworks a..."

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