s Professor at Aalborg University in Denmark. He has previously worked at RMIT University, in Australia and at Politecnico di Milano, where he also completed his PhD in Industrial Design.He is coordinating the Service Design Lab, a research unit working on several research projects on service design. His research focuses on public services, open data and service and social innovation. He has also published several articles on service design methodologies, social innovation and sustainability.
last update: January 2020
Articles published on IXD&A:
• ‘Hacking the hackathon format to empower citizens in outsmarting “smart” cities’, N. 43, 2019, pp. 8 – 29, abstract, download, (https://doi.org/10.55612/s-5002-043-001), Google Scholar
"This paper investigates the opportunities of leveraging a hackathon format to empower citizens’ abilities of using open data to improve their neighbourhoods and communities. The presented discussion i..."
"This paper investigates the opportunities of leveraging a hackathon format to empower citizens’ abilities of using open data to improve their neighbourhoods and communities. The presented discussion i..."
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