
is currently pursuing her MSc. in Cognitive Science at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). She received her B.Sc. in the same field. She had designed and developed a cultural heritage game-based learning application for children as part of her undergraduate program. She extends her interest in digital heritage to her postgraduate research. Her research interests include Human/User-Centered Design, User Experience (UX) research, and Interaction Design.

last update: July 2020

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘Integrating User-Centered Design with the Agile Software Development Methodology for a Cultural Heritage Information System’, N. 45, 2020, pp. 207 – 225, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"This paper reports on the findings of a user study on the design ideas for the Sarawak Digital Cultural Heritage Progressive Web App (PWA). The study elucidates the integration of User-Centered Design..."

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