
is associate professor at the Institute of Design and Assessment of Technology at Vienna University of Technology. His research is set in the area of information technology and design, ranging from hands-on UX design to policies and societal questions. He is coordinator for the media and human-centered computing master curriculum, and long-time member of the curricular commission for informatics. He teaches the novel »Ways of thinking in informatics« introductory course, as well as a number of master level courses on explorative design, gameful design and related areas.

last update: December 2021

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘Insights for Educational Practice from a Thematic Analysis of Student Experiences with Speculative Design Mini-Projects about Personal Issues’, N. 51, 2021, pp. 249 – 269, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"In 2020, we gave a large-scale first-year informatics course an assignment to speculatively design hypothetical solutions for issues they were experiencing due to social distancing measures during the..."
• ‘Involving Students in the Co-Creation of a Complex, Evolving Learning Environment’, N. 42, 2019, pp. 70 – 92, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"Technology-enhanced learning (TEL) is a promising solution for higher education settings by creating a collaborative, engaging learning experience despite high student numbers and a lack of individual..."

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