
is Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology, Health and Technology at the University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands and extraordinary professor at Optentia Research Focus Area, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus. She chairs the ‘engaging eHealth Technology lab’ at the University of Twente which focuses on improving development, evaluation and implementation of digital health interventions. Her work combines technological and psychological perspectives and is multidisciplinary in nature. She uses innovative research designs and concepts to investigate the relationship between technology, engagement and effectiveness (e.g. fractional factorial RCT; engagement). Currently, she works on her personal ERC Starting grant on engagement as a mechanism of impact for digital mental health interventions. In this innovative new research line, she uses new-to-field and challenging research methods (e.g. single case experimental design, realist evaluation, personalizes and adaptive interventions) by e.g. making smart use of the possibilities of technology. She is also editor of the new eHealth handbook with contributions from many influential (inter)national scholars, and lead educator of a massive open online course (MOOC) on eHealth with over 23.000 participants.

last update: November -0001

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘Similarity in action with an Embodied Conversational Agent; can synchronous speech yield higher levels of rapport? An exploratory eHealth study’, N. 56, 2023, pp. 130 – 155, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"Self-guided eHealth has the benefit of providing autonomy to patients. However, the autonomy comes with a cost; elevated attrition rates. Embodied Conversational Agents (‘robots on screen’), have tech..."

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