
is lecturer at Postgraduate Programme in Digital Architecture, Department of Architecture, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta in Indonesia. She is interested in exploring contextual information systems including digital collective memory and virtual environment to support learning in architecture and urban design. Her current research also focuses on the co-design of smart environment, digital media and social media data related to urban design and sustainable smart city.

last update: July 2021

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘Collating a city’s collective memory in co-production of an online urban design learning space’, N. 49, 2021, pp. 84 – 96, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"Drawing on a city and collective memory as a theoretical framework for exploring how collating such memory into a Web-based 3D virtual city could initiate and sustain co-production of an online urban ..."

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