Table of Contents N.15

Winter 2012-2013

Special issue on:
Exploring the future of Technology Enhanced Education: visions, practical implementations and impact of glocalities


Telmo Zarraonandia, Ignacio Aedo, Paloma Diaz
Envisioning the Transformative Role of IT in Lectures, pp. 7-17, abstract, download

Carlo Giovannella
Is complexity tameable ? Toward a design for the experience in a complex world, pp. 18-30, abstract, download

Alexandros Karakos, John Papaioannou, Anastasia Georgiadu
Learning the Greek Language via Greeklish, pp. 31-39, abstract, download

Alessandra Agostini, Elisa Di Biase
Large multitouch screens to enhance collaboration in the classroom of the 21st century: an Italian experiment, pp. 40-56, abstract, download

Luca Simeone, Salvatore Iaconesi, Federico Monaco
REFF book as a Mode-2 learning platform, pp. 57-67, abstract, download

Imran A. Zualkernan
Design and implementation of a low-cost classroom response system for a future classroom in the developing world, pp. 68-84, abstract, download

Regular papers

Effie Lai-Chong Law, Hans-Christian Schmitz, Martin Wolpers, Ralf Klamma, Marcel Bertold, Dietrich Albert
Responsive and Open Learning Environments (ROLE): Requirements, Evaluation and Reflection, 87-101, abstract, download

Carlo Giovannella, Daniele Floris, Andrea Paoloni
An exploration on possible correlations among perception and physical characteristics of EMOVO emotional portrayals, pp. 102-111, abstract, download

Author index