Table of contents_snip

Summer 2021


Special Issue on:
Collaborative multimedia applications in technology

César A. Collazos, Habib Fardoun, Freddy Paz

p. 5 - 7, download

Carlos Alberto Peláez Ayala, Andrés Solano, Toni Granollers
Proposal to Conceive Multimedia Systems from a Value Creation Perspective and a Collaborative Work Routes Approach, pp. 8 - 28, abstract, download
"Methodologies for the development of interactive multimedia systems traditionally apply the practices and lifecycles of user-centred design in conjunction with usability and accessibility practices gu..."

Oscar Revelo Sánchez, César Collazos Ordóñez, Miguel Redondo Duque
Group formation in collaborative learning contexts based on personality traits: An empirical study in initial Programming courses, pp. 29 - 45, abstract, download
"Considering that group formation is one of the key processes when developing activities in collaborative learning contexts, this paper aims to propose a technique based on an approach of genetic algor..."

Julian Grigera, Juan Cruz Gardey, Alejandro Fernandez, Alejandra Garrido
Tycho: Facilitation Support for Groupware User Tests, pp. 46 - 63, abstract, download
"Running user tests for groupware requires tracking the progress of multiple users performing co-dependent tasks, while facilitating and observing their coordinated actions. This requirement negatively..."

Héctor Cardona-Reyes, Cristian Trujillo-Espinoza, Carlos Arevalo-Mercado, Jaime Muñoz-Arteaga
Training of Drone Pilots through Virtual Reality Environments under the Gamification Approach in a University Context, pp. 64 - 83, abstract, download
"Drones have been characterized by their diverse applications in the fields of industry. Nowadays, their use in the context of education is becoming more and more frequent and their popularity has incr..."

Sushardjanti Felasari, Chengzhi Peng
Collating a city’s collective memory in co-production of an online urban design learning space, pp. 84 - 96, abstract, download
"Drawing on a city and collective memory as a theoretical framework for exploring how collating such memory into a Web-based 3D virtual city could initiate and sustain co-production of an online urban ..."

Sergio Firmenich, Alejandro Fernandez, Rodolfo Gonzalez, Gustavo Rossi
Collaborative web extensions: a P2P approach, pp. 97 - 110, abstract, download
"Web extensions are powerful software artifacts that allow end-users to adapt and enrich a website. These extensions run on the user’s web browser as a single-user software that manipulates available t..."

Gökçe Elif Baykal, Olof Torgersson, Eva Eriksson
Designing for Children’s Reflections in Collaborative Interaction Mediated by Technology: A Systematic Literature Review, pp. 111 - 134, abstract, download
"Reflection is an integral part of collaborative interaction. However, we know little about how to design for reflection in collaborative activities mediated by technologies. This systematic literature..."

Regular papers:

Elisabeth Rolf, Ola Knutsson, Robert Ramberg
Teachers’ Design Processes: An Analysis of Teachers’ Design Talk and Use of Pedagogical Patterns, pp. 135 - 160, abstract, download
"Research on how teachers design to support learning and how teachers use different learning designs is still in its infancy. The explorative study reported here aims to approach an understanding of ho..."

Authors index - Authors' short bio