Dreamscape Bricks VR: An Experimental Virtual Reality Tool for Architectural Design

Oguz Orkun Doma, Sinan Mert Sener
pp.  234 – 258, download


In this paper, we propose a VR design tool framework called DREAMSCAPE, which adopts a direct manipulation approach focusing on embody, experience, and manipulation activities in design. The framework defines a VR design process using intuitive controls without being limited by the preconceptions of conventional CAD systems. To establish and demonstrate the framework, we designed and developed a VR design tool called Dreamscape Bricks VR in Unreal Engine 4, using LEGO bricks as base components in a high-fidelity interactive design environment. We conducted user tests and administered questionnaires assessing usability, performance, and comfort. Results showed that the user experience of the tool is positive. The developed tool is expected to establish the abstract framework and provide insights into the future of VR design tools with implications on design education..

Keywords: virtual reality, architectural design, VR in design education, room-scale VR, metaverse.


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