JADE: a board game to teach software ergonomics

Stéphanie Jean-Daubias
pp.  29 – 52, download


JADE is an educational game we have imagined, designed, built, and used successfully in various contexts. This board game enables learning and practicing software ergonomics concepts. It is intended for beginners. We use it every year during several hours with our second-year computer science students at Lyon 1 University. In this paper, we present the classical version of the game, as well as the design and evaluation process that we applied. We also present the hybrid version of JADE, which relies on the use of QR codes and videos. We also present its use in our teaching (with about 850 learners for a total duration of 54 hours, which totals more than 2500 student-hours). We then discuss the results obtained and present the considered evolutions.

Keywords: ergonomics, assessment criteria, cases study, pedagogical game, board game, hybrid game, QR code.


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