Table of Contents N.56

Spring 2023


Special issue on:
Hybrid Games and Interaction Design

Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Nelson Zagalo, Micael Sousa and Fotis Liarokapis
p. 5 – 7, download

Ralf Hebecker, Kolja Bopp
Live Learning Games: Insights from the application of a collaborative hybrid game environment for staff training, pp. 8 – 28, abstract,  download

Stéphanie Jean-Daubias
JADE: a board game to teach software ergonomics,  pp.  29 – 52,  abstract,  download

Richard E. Ferdig, Enrico Gandolfi, Chris Lenart, Robert Clements
Building an augmented reality system for consumption and production of hybrid gaming and storytelling, pp.  53 – 68,  abstract,  download

Marta Fernández-Ruiz, David Ruiz-Torres, Héctor Puente Bienvenido
Environmental Visualization and Exploration in Mobile Augmented Reality Games: Redefining the Spatial Affordances, pp.  69 – 88,  abstract,  download

André Sousa, Eduardo Magalhães, João Jacob
Inducing Flow In Board Games Through Augmented Audio, pp. 89 – 114,  abstract,  download

Derya Karadag
Gamification of design studio in the context of a user-centered design workshop, pp.  115 – 129, abstract, download

Regular papers

Mark Scholten, Saskia M. Kelders, Julia E. W. C. Van Gemert-Pijnen
Similarity in action with an Embodied Conversational Agent; can synchronous speech yield higher levels of rapport? An exploratory eHealth study, pp.  130 – 155, abstract,  download

Roberto Cibin, Tiziano Bonini, Maurizio Teli
Participatory Design and Critical Media Studies: a Convivial Conversation, pp.  156 – 173, abstract,  download

Andrés Solano, Juan Sebastian Sinisterra, Juan Sebastian Parra, David Castro, Carlos Peláez
Usability Heuristics for Applications in the Context of Resilient Cities, pp.  174 – 200, abstract, download

Author index – Authors’ short bio