Marcelo F. Maina, Lourdes Guàrdia, Federica Mancini, Carolina García
pp. 47 – 64, download
While competence-based education is gaining momentum in K-12, integration into the curriculum is still challenging. We present a Competence Assessment Model that supports creating scenarios that use several active methods for gathering learning evidence and implementing assessment rules. The study adopts a design and development research approach that spans three phases of conceptual development and model internal validation. The usability documentation method was applied to digital competence as a test case involving teachers, learning designers, and researchers across six European countries. Results confirm the model’s effectiveness for supporting competence assessment design and identify key organisational issues and teacher challenges for its adoption.
Keywords: competence assessment, assessment model, active pedagogies, pedagogy of integration, transversal competence, K-12, internal validation, digital competence.
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