Oihane Unciti, Antoni Martinez Ballesté, Ramon Palau
pp. 85 – 102, download
The purpose of the article is to understand the current state of both the technology and the implementation of emotion recognition in the educational environment. The goal is to obtain detailed information about the current state of emotion recognition technology and how its practical use is being carried out in educational settings. In this line, it examines the proposals from publications over the last 10 years on the advancement of technology for emotion recognition in education. A total of 1,347 studies were obtained and 43 were included in the review for analysis and discussion. The article demonstrates how the number of studies has increased in recent years, with a higher frequency in online learning. Furthermore, according to the Technological Readiness Level, despite the growing interest in emotion recognition in the educational environment, its implementation is still far from becoming a reality. Most of the research has been conducted from a theoretical perspective and none of them has been fully developed and implemented in the classroom. In addition, many of the studies analysed have not tested the validity of their findings.
Keywords: Emotion Recognition, Smart Classroom, Educational Environments.
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