Lib2Life – Digital Library Services Empowered with Advanced Natural Language Processing Techniques.

Melania Nitu, Mihai Dascalu, Maria Dorinela Dascalu, Laurentiu-Marian Neagu, Maria-Iuliana Dascalu
pp.  147 – 167, download


Educational institutions are struggling to keep up with the accelerated technological advancements; hence, sustainable and supportive tools have become essential to reshape traditional models into intelligent learning systems. This paper introduces Lib2Life, a digital library that uses advanced Natural Language Processing techniques to facilitate the digital transformation of historical documents provided by Central University Libraries in Romania. The platform enables Central University Libraries in Romania to preserve the cultural heritage of historically valuable documents, facilitating open-source access to old, printed materials such as books, manuscripts, newspapers, or literary magazines no longer protected by copyright. Lib2Life offers comprehensive functionalities, allowing librarians to benefit from automated text processing and indexing workflows that facilitate digitization, ensuring a consistent representation of original documents. For readers, the platform presents a user-friendly interface with semantic search capabilities and a recommendation engine. The system employs an ontology to organize and manage documents in a unified and structured way, contributing to the evolution of intelligent education technologies. The innovative contributions of Lib2Lifeinclude identifying new solutions for cultural heritage preservation, promoting patrimony through modern methodologies, increasing access to documentary resources, enhancing library services, and fostering the transfer of knowledge and technology to society

Keywords: Digital Library Service, Natural Language Processing, Semantic Search, Ontology Representation, Domain Categorization, Cultural Heritage Preservation.


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