Minecraft in STEAM education – applying game-based learning to renewable energy.

Tamas Kersanszki, Zoltán Márton, Kristóf Fenyvesi, Zsolt Lavicza, Ildikó Holik
pp.  194 – 213, download


One of the essential tasks of teaching STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) is to motivate and engage students. This can be achieved through new interactive, experiential teaching methods, such as game-based learning. Minecraft is a multiplatform video game already popular among students and can be successfully used in game-based education. The study presents the application possibilities of Minecraft in integrated education of STEAM fields through the example of teaching a specific topic. The development was tested within the framework of a summer camp, where the 10-16-year-old participants explored the topics of renewable energy sources with Minecraft. Based on the experiences and researchers of the camp, the application of game-based learning with Minecraft was successful in raising students’ interest, increasing their motivation, mastering the knowledge material, productive task solving and cooperation to work on sustainable development goals

Keywords: game-based learning, Minecraft, methodological innovation.


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