Summer 2020
Special issue on:
Designing for ownership in technology-enhanced learning (TEL): a core element for learners’ SRL and agency
Ilona Buchem, Gemma Tur, Jesus Salinas
pp. 5 – 14, download
Victoria I. Marín, Bárbara de Benito, Antònia Darder
Technology-Enhanced Learning for Student Agency in Higher Education: a Systematic Literature Review, pp. 15 – 49, abstract, download
Linda Castañeda, Gemma Tur
Resources and Opportunities for Agency in PLE-Related Pedagogical Designs, pp. 50 – 68, abstract, download
Virginia Rodés-Paragarino, Adriana Gewerc-Barujel
Ownership and Agency in the adoption of Open Educational Resources, pp. 69 – 86, abstract, download
Elena Barberà, Iolanda Garcia, Marcelo Fabián Maina
Fostering psychological ownership in MOOC through a self-regulation design layer, pp. 87 – 111, abstract, download
Ilona Buchem, Gemma Tur, Tobias Hoelterhof
The role of learner control and psychological ownership for self-regulated learning in technology-enhanced learning designs, pp. 112 – 132, abstract, download
Eva Durall, Marjo Virnes, Teemu Leinonen, Begoña Gros
Ownership of learning in monitoring technology, pp. 133 – 154, abstract, download
Kamakshi Rajagopal, Rani Van Schoors, Stefanie Vanbecelaere, Lien de Bie, Fien Depaepe
Designing personalised learning support for K12 education, pp. 155 – 176, abstract, download
focus section on
End-user development challenges for creative computing
Juan Manuel Dodero, Hongji Yang, Antonio Balderas
pp. 177 – 179, download
Peter Kun, Ingrid Mulder, Gerd Kortuem
Developing a Design Inquiry Method for Data Exploration, pp. 180 – 206, abstract, download
Nurfarahani Norman Anuar, Mohd Kamal Othman
Integrating User-Centered Design with the Agile Software Development Methodology for a Cultural Heritage Information System, pp. 207 – 225, abstract, download
Michaela R. Reisinger, Johann Schrammel, Stefan Suette, Peter Fröhlich
Home Smart Home: Approachable Interfaces for Intelligibility, Modification, and End-User Programming, pp. 226 – 245, abstract, download
Iván Ruiz-Rube, Rubén Baena-Pérez, José Miguel Mota, Inmaculada Arnedillo-Sánchez
Model-driven development of augmented reality-based editors for domain specific languages, pp. 246 – 263, abstract, download
Regular papers
Carlo Giovannella, Marcello Passarelli, Donatella Persico
The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Italian Learning Ecosystems: the School Teachers’ Perspective at the steady state, pp. 264 – 286, abstract, download
Sara Eloy, Flávio Serpa
How non-designers understand the architecture design project: a comparative study using immersive virtual reality, pp. 287 – 301, abstract, download
Alice Barana, Marina Marchisio
An interactive learning environment to empower engagement in Mathematics, pp. 302 – 321, abstract, download