Controlled Confusion: Teaching complex multidisciplinary group work

Sus Lundgren
pp. 90-93 – download


The project described in this paper exemplifies how interaction design students can be prepared for working in groups that are part of a larger, complex, multidisciplinary structure. It shows how a task can be designed to engage a whole class of students, letting each student be a member of at least two groups; one related to that student’s assigned discipline, and one related to the sub-project that he or she is working in. This way of intertwining groups necessitates and enables communication. The general aim of the project is to increase the understanding of working in these kinds of structures, help students to explore strategies for doing it successfully, inculcate the necessity of communication, clarity and leadership, encourage respect for people from other disciplines, and develop negotiation and communication skills. How the project can be focused towards certain aims is also discussed, as is its strengths, weaknesses and special requirements.

keywords: Co-operative design, Collaborative Work, Multidisciplinary design, Interaction design, Didactics

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