Designing inclusion: a smart learning ecosystem for hearing parents of deaf children

Alessia Pece, Patrizia Marti
pp.  109 – 122, download

Smart Learning Ecosystems are intelligent, purpose-oriented platforms supporting innovative learning. However, for these ecosystems to be true engines of innovation they should be fully accessible. This vision reflects the inclusion policies underpinning the SDGs of the Agenda 2030 that recommend the adoption of knowledge and technologies to drive a social change in the direction of inclusion and social sustainability. In this paper we present the case of a smart learning ecosystem that brings together hearing parents of deaf children and other stakeholders involved in the care and education of deaf children. After an intense user research based on digital ethnography, interviews, and a questionnaire, a prototype of a digital application supporting learning of the Italian Sign Language and communication among stakeholders was designed and tested. The prototype served the objective to raise awareness about current biases on deafness and the need to stimulate the creation of a culture of inclusion and peer-to-peer learning.

Keywords: Inclusion, deafness, digital technology, Italian Sign Language.


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