
Cláudia Pedro Ortet, Francisco Regalado, Sónia Ferreira, Liliana Vale Costa, Ana Isabel Veloso
pp. 34 - 53, view paper, download
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Submitted on 30 Nov -0001 - Accepted on 30 Nov -0001

Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxD&A Journal
Issue N. 54, Autumn 2022


In times of social confinement frequently associated with COVID-19 pandemics, an increasing dependence of aged populations on digital media to maintain social interactions and participation in society was observed. Although courses for action on the access to digital media by aged populations and the potential harms of digital inclusion have been acknowledged in the literature, far too little attention has been devoted to the challenges and in situ measures undertaken by local entities targeted to aged populations. The purpose of this study is to analyze the strategies adopted by Portuguese Universities of the Third Age, Municipalities, among other Institutional Care for Aged Populations to ensure communication and active participation of older adults in society and the role of digital media in that process. A total of 72 Portuguese entities developing initiatives addressed to aged populations were interviewed, including Municipalities and Universities of the Third Age, aiming at gathering their perspectives on the challenges and practices of using digital media to involve the ageing population in the community. Data was collected employing a semi-structured interview and content analysis was performed. Findings indicate that although participants found difficulty in adhering to activities owing to the financial and social consequences of the pandemic, most had to restructure their activities to maintain connections and routines. Conclusions offer some important insights into practices to foster participation within the communities using digital platforms.

Keywords: Social Connection, COVID-19, Information and Communication Technologies, Aged Populations, Interview.

Cite this article as:
Pedro Ortet C., Regalado F., Ferreira S., Costa L., Veloso A.: Staying Connected with Aged Populations in Times of COVID-19: An Interview Study of the Role of Portuguese Institutions and Municipalities, Interaction Design & Architecture(s) – IxD&A Journal, N.54, -0001, pp. 34–53, DOI:


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