
is an Associated Professor of the department of Communication and Art, in the University of Aveiro. Her research interests include video games, information and communication in technological mediated contexts, gerontechnology.

last update: December 2022

Articles published on IXD&A:

• ‘Online Social Environments for Active Ageing’, N. 54, 2022, pp. 5 – 7, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"The ageing of the world population alongside the rapid advancements in an Information and Communication Society have heightened the importance of addressing both age-related benefits and barriers of t..."
• ‘Staying Connected with Aged Populations in Times of COVID-19: An Interview Study of the Role of Portuguese Institutions and Municipalities’, N. 54, 2022, pp. 34 – 53, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"In times of social confinement frequently associated with COVID-19 pandemics, an increasing dependence of aged populations on digital media to maintain social interactions and participation in society..."
• ‘Students as Game Creators. Easing the game construction process by using a toolkit to game design’, N. 53, 2022, pp. 128 – 143, abstract, download, (, Google Scholar
"In recent years, serious games and gamification strategies have been used in the education field and seen as highly motivating for educating and motivating younger people. As regard to games, and in t..."

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