Authors of issue 55 – short bios


Table of contents 

Bruno Azevedo Chagas

holds a Ph.D. in Informatics from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio, 2020), a Master’s degree from the same University (PUC-Rio, 2015) and a degree in Computer Engineering from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP, 2000). His research interests are in the area of Human-Computer Interaction and Human-Centered Computing applied to advanced technologies such as Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and other algorithmic mediation of social processes. From 2020 to 2022, he did a post-doctoral internship at the Computer Science Department at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) researching conversational agents in the healthcare and public service domains. Besides research, he has about 20 years of experience in industry working with technology development and innovation. Currently he works for CNH Industrial building the next generation of technology that will support the agriculture of the future.

Roger Bemelmans

is a Professor of Applied Artificial Intelligence at Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. With a background in AI, he did his Ph.D. research on healthcare robotics. He is the Scientific Director of the research centre Data Intelligence. In the research centre, design-based research is used to bring innovative solutions to practice and improve them. Within the centre, research is conducted on analyzing, designing, and developing AI-driven human-support systems, focusing on software intelligent control.

Licia Cianfriglia

School principal. Elected member for the managerial category at the Superior Council of Public Education. Responsible for Partnerships and Institutional Relations at ANP. Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee supporting DGEFID of the Ministry of Education in the process of improving the National Digital School Plan. Member of the Advisory Board of the EdTech Observatory organized by the Politecnico di Milano and MIP Graduate School of Business. Over the years, she has ben Vice President of ANP, FP-CIDA and CIDA. As a designer, coordinator, and trainer, she is involved in the vocational training of managers and teachers on educational policies, technological innovation for teaching, and school organization. She graduated in Mathematics with full honors from “La Sapienza” University of Rome and obtained the 2nd level Master’s degree in MAESTRIA – Education Management: Training Structures, Innovation, Learning, and the specialization in School and Career Counseling at the same University. She got also the Specializations in School Management: Legal, organizational and training skills, and  in Methods and Techniques of online training at the University of Florence; and the Master’s degree in E-learning: e-learning object design at the University of Tuscia.

Laura Cipriani 

Research Fellow, product designer, fab academy graduate. She collaborated with several Fablabs within training courses concerning Design and digital fabrication. Since 2018 she has been working with Polifactory research group on projects about innovation in Healthcare and RRI.

Ulisses da Silva Fernandes

is a master’s student in the Graduate Program in Computer Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). He received his BSc in Information Systems from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais in 2009. His main research interests include Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Software Engineering.

Gabriel Diniz Junqueira Barbosa

is a Ph.D. student in the Informatics Department of PUC-Rio, where he previously obtained his BsC in Computer Engineering and MsC in Informatics. Currently a graduate research intern at IBM Research Brazil, he is also affiliated with the IDEIAS+SERG and DasLab laboratories at PUC-Rio. His main research interests include Knowledge-Centric Systems, Human-AI Interaction, and Information Visualization.

Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa

is an Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics of PUC-Rio, Brazil, coordinator of the IDEAS+SERG lab, and level 1D researcher in CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development in Brazil). She has published over 170 refereed articles in journals, conference proceedings, and books, and led research projects funded by national and international organizations. She is an expert member and Vice-chair for Working Groups and Special Interest Groups at IFIP TC 13. She was co-Editor-in-Chief of ACM Interactions Magazine (2016-2019). In 2019, she received the IFIP TC 13 Pioneers Award, and in 2020 the “Carreira em Destaque” (Outstanding HCI Career Award) Award of the Special Commission for HCI of the Brazilian Computer Society, SBC. More recently, she was general chair of ACM CHI 2022. Her main research interests include model-based interactive systems design, information visualization, and visual analytics.

Hendrik Drachsler

is a Professor of Educational Technologies and Learning Analytics and is affiliated with the German Leibniz Institute for International Educational Research (, the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, and the Open University of the Netherlands. He is the Scientific Director of studiumdigitale, the central research and innovation unit for technology-enhanced learning, at the Goethe-University with over 50.000 students. His research interests include Learning Analytics, Personalisation technologies, Recommender Systems, Educational data, mobile devices, and their applications in the fields of Technology-Enhanced Learning and Health 2.0.

Maria José Fonseca

is Librarian teacher at the D. Maria II School Group in Vila Nova de Famalicão, PhD in Information and Communication on Digital Platforms from the University of Aveiro and University of Porto, master’s in child studies – Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Minho, postgraduate – Degree in School Library Management, Qualification Course for the exercise of other educational functions in Communication and Information Management by the University of Minho, kindergarten teacher, with training courses: School Libraries: training of librarian teachers by the University of Porto and Learning Laboratories, Scenarios and Learning Stories by the Directorate-General for Education.

Ervin Garip

received his bachelor’s degree in architecture in 2000 and master’s degree in 2003 from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Building Information Program. In 2009, completed his PhD in the Architectural Design Program at the same university. During his doctoral studies, worked as a visiting scholar at North Carolina State University, College of Design, USA. His projects have won awards in various competitions, exhibited and published by different national and international institutions. Currently, he continues his projects and works in the fields of architecture, interior architecture and urban design with the 1+1 Architectural Design team. At the same time, he has been the Head of the Department of Interior Architecture Program at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture since 2019. He also tutors and contributes to various national and international congresses and workshops.

Antonello Giannelli

President of ANP. School Inspector. Formerly School Principal. Responsible of organization at ANP. Trainer and consultant at ANP. Coordinator of teacher training at Lazio’s School of specialization for teacher training. Specialist in operational research and decisional strategy (University of Rome “La Sapienza”). Master in school management (University of Florence). Graduated in physics (University of Bari).

Carlo Giovannella

graduated in Physics, he worked long time in solid state physics as an expert of complex systems. Nowadays can be considered a “Designer for the experience”.
As President of the Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development, he is fostering the development and benchmarking of Smart Learning Ecosystems as drivers of social innovation and regional development, and the dissemination of the design literacy into the schools.
At the University of Tor Vergata he has ben for more than 25 years the chair of the ISIM_garage (Interfaces and Multimodal Interactive Systems), a research lab devoted to design and development of integrated community-based environments for TEL, collaborative work and smart communities, tools and methods for education, analytics, and more.

Gözde Gökdemir

graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Interior Architecture Program in 2018. Completed master thesis from Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School, International Master of Interior Architectural Design (IMIAD). Holds a MSc in interior architecture and continues PhD studies at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Interior Architecture Doctorate Program. She has become Research Assistant in 2019 and is still continues at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Interior Architecture Program.

Andrea Giuseppe Manciaracina

PhD in Design and Degree in Industrial Design from Politecnico di Milano. Research fellow at the Design Department of the Politecnico di Milano and adjunct professor at the School of Design of the Politecnico di Milano since 2003. His research focuses on the relationship between communication design in all its forms, spaces and technologies for learning and for the use of services. Attentive to these issues, he contributes to the field of design by participating in researches and conferences, writing articles and publishing books.

Patrizia Marti

is Professor of Experience Design and Design Thinking at the University of Siena. She is Director and Rector’s delegate of Santa Chiara Fab Lab ( where she manages several participatory innovation projects with external partners.  Patrizia has an interdisciplinary background in design, philosophy and computing and a Ph.D. in Interaction Design. Her research activity concerns designing interactive systems in various fields of application including accessibility and inclusion, cultural heritage, health care. He has been a principal investigator on many EU funded projects. She has been expert advisor to many EU and international bodies, including EU Commission, EU Future & Emerging Technologies Programme, EU Intelligent Information Interfaces, Eurocontrol, EU Disappearing Computer, UX group at University of Warsaw (Poland), Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems. She has been an invited keynote speaker at various international conferences. She has also been the editor for special issues of international journals.

Francesca Mattioli

PhD, Researcher at the Department of Design at Politecnico di Milano, she researches design learning and teaching practices through collaborative projects in academic contexts characterised by cultural plurality. She collaborates as a researcher in the Doctoral Courses System 4 Design project, co-funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ program to develop an International Excellence Network among six doctoral programs in Design. Since 2023 she has been part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), in the “Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile (MICS)” project.

Óscar Mealha

is Full Professor at the Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro, Portugal and Director of the Doctoral Program in New Media. He develops his research at DigiMedia (, in the area of “Knowledge Media and Connected Communities” with several projects, masters and doctoral supervisions and publications on interaction design and analysis techniques and methods, namely for User eXperience design and evaluation, usability evaluation, and visualization of interaction/infocommunication activity. He is involved in infocommunication mediation projects such as “SMILE – Smart Indicators to Leverage Citizen Engagement” in municipalities and smart territories, and “SMARTEEs – Smartphone in Educational Ecosystems” within school clusters.

Raquel Oliveira Prates

is a full professor in the Computer Science Department at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) and is currently the vice-chair for the Department. She has a Ph.D in Informatics from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro  (1994). She is the coordinator of PENSi – Research Group in Semiotic Engineering and Interaction and her research is in Human-Computer Interaction and Collaborative Systems and her areas of interest include Semiotic Engineeering Theory and methods, interface evaluation, communicability and end-user programming. She was granted the “Outstanding HCI Career Award” by the Brazilian Special Committee for HCI (CEIHC) of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) in 2022. She is active in the national and international communities of HCI and Collaborative Systems, having been the chair for the  Brazilian Collaborative Systems Special Committee (CESC) and CEIHC, SBC´s representative at IFIP TC13, and member of the SIGCHI EC, full papers co-chair for ACM GROUP 2022/2023 – Third Wave. She is currently one of the editors of Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) from Springer and member of the SIGCHI Outstanding Dissertation Committee since December 2022.

Alessia Pece

born in Palermo in 1978. Master’s degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Siena, specializing in UX design. For 15 years worked at a network for addiction rehabilitation, starting as an educator and later becoming the Head of Personnel and Communications. Currently, she is the founder of Carers, a socially-oriented startup aimed at supporting family caregivers. Carers is focused on developing a welfare digital platform that utilizes the potential of digital technologies to foster a thriving society built on strong connections.

Glívia Angélica Rodrigues Barbosa

is a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Graduate Program at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and a full professor in the Computer Department of the Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais. She obtained her master’s degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais in 2012. Her main research interests include Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Human-Computer Integration (HInt).

Maren Scheffel

is a Professor of Educational Data Science at the Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. With a background in computational linguistics, she started to work in the field of technology-enhanced learning in 2009. For her Ph.D. that she obtained from the Open University of the Netherlands in 2017, she developed the Evaluation Framework for Learning Analytics (EFLA). Her research also delves into the connection between learning analytics and learning design, as well as visualisation techniques for dashboards.

Marcel Schmitz

is a senior lecturer at the ICT Academy of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, a research centre Data Intelligence researcher, and a Ph.D. candidate at the Open University of the Netherlands. With a background in knowledge engineering, he started to work in the field of technology-enhanced learning in 2003. As a developer, consultant, teacher, manager, researcher, and innovator, he always worked with students to enhance education with technology. His interests include Design Based Research, Serious Gaming, and Learning Analytics.

Andrea Taverna

PhD Candidate in Service Design at Politecnico di Milano in the POLIMI DESIS Lab research group, previously Research Fellow for DigiMooD for CCIs European project. His research interest is around Design Education , investigating how Service Design students prepare themselves in transitioning from university to the professional practice.

Uğur Efe Uçar

graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Interior Architecture Program in 2018. Completed master thesis from Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School, International Master of Interior Architectural Design (IMIAD). Holds a MSc in interior architecture and continues PhD studies at Istanbul Technical University, Architectural Design Computing Program. He has become Research Assistant in 2019 and is still continues at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Interior Architecture Program.

Rebecca Wiczorek

is a human factors expert with a background in psychology. She obtained her PhD in Human Factors from the Technische Universität Berlin in 2012. Her current research focuses on the use of assistance systems by older adults and is also concerned with traffic psychology, mainly the technical support of pedestrians. During the last years she was dealing with the development and evaluation of an assistance system for older pedestrians as the head of an interdisciplinary research group.