
Gökçe Elif Baykal , Olof Torgersson , Peter Ruijten-Dodoiu , Eva Eriksson
pp. 53 - 71, view paper, download
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Submitted on 16 Jun 2023 - Accepted on 31 Oct 2023

Interaction Design and Architecture(s) IxD&A Journal
Issue N. 58, Autumn 2023


There is an increasing awareness of the importance of considering and mediating human collaboration in the design of technology. There are several research approaches focused on this, such as e.g., computer supported cooperative work (CSCW) and computer supported cooperative learning (CSCL), however, less attention has been given to developing educational materials for the role that technology play in mediating human collaboration in human-computer interaction (HCI) in physical, digital and hybrid spaces, why hands-on teaching activities are insufficient. In this paper, we present an emergent pedagogical framework on teaching for collaborative interaction in HCI, consisting of a collection of eleven pedagogical patterns. The paper is based on results from applying a modified pedagogical design pattern approach in the iterative development of an open educational resource containing teaching patterns, and from pilot testing of patterns with students. Preliminary results from pilot testing indicate that teachers experience an increased capacity to teach design of technologies that mediate human collaborative interaction in relevant and innovative ways. As part of “Design Education for Hybrid Environments” special issue, we hope this emerging pedagogical framework can provide teachers with inspiration to sensitize their students and make them better prepared to become responsible designers of technologies for collaborative interaction and contribute crafting next-generation physical, digital and hybrid spaces.


Cite this article as:
Baykal G., Torgersson O., Ruijten-Dodoiu P., Eriksson E.: Teaching Design of Technologies for Collaborative Interaction in Physical-Digital Environments, Interaction Design & Architecture(s) – IxD&A Journal, N.58, 2023, pp. 53–71, DOI:


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