Table of contents_snip

Winter 2023


Special Issue on:
Smart Learning Ecosystems: toward the polyphonic construction of a new normality

Mihai Dascalu, Patrizia Marti, Francesca Pozzi

p. 5 - 8, download

Marcel Schmitz, Maren Scheffel, Roger Bemelmans, Hendrik Drachsler
Evaluating the Impact of FoLA on Learning Analytics Knowledge Creation and Acceptance during Multidisciplinary, Co-Design of Learning Activities,, pp. 9 - 33, abstract, download
"Learning analytics offers opportunities to enhance the design of learning activities by providing information on the impact of different learning designs. Despite the availability of design methods th..."

Francesca Mattioli, Laura Cipriani, Andrea Giuseppe Manciaracina, Andrea Taverna
Exploring Innovation in the Teaching of Design. A Study on the Experimental Teaching Practices in the Context of a School of Design, pp. 34 - 53, abstract, download
"Teaching innovation research aims to experiment with new practices and methodologies that relate objectives, activities, tools, and other elements to respond to new educational challenges, such as equ..."

Maria José Fonseca, Oscar Mealha
Student experience and new media to leverage an Infocommunicational case study model, pp. 54 - 82, abstract, download
"The use of a student’s own mobile digital device for learning purposes has been driven by extremely different perspectives. On one side some educational actors advocating the integration and strategic..."

Carlo Giovannella, Licia Cianfriglia, Antonello Giannelli
The Italian School Ecosystems two years after the pandemic in the perceptions of schools’ principals and teachers – part 2 (a segmented analysis), pp. 83 - 108, abstract, download
"This article presents a detailed analysis of the influence of age and gender of the respondents (231 teachers and 153 principals), and, as well, of the geographical localization and level of the schoo..."

Alessia Pece, Patrizia Marti
Designing inclusion: a smart learning ecosystem for hearing parents of deaf children,, pp. 109 - 122, abstract, download
"Smart Learning Ecosystems are intelligent, purpose-oriented platforms supporting innovative learning. However, for these ecosystems to be true engines of innovation they should be fully accessible. Th..."

Regular papers:

Carlo Giovannella
From simplex to complex: designing for wellbeing at scale, pp. 123 - 138, abstract, download
"In this article, we propose a theoretical framework of reference for the design for wellbeing, mainly in large techno ecosystems like smart cities and smart learning ecosystems taken here as examples...."

Ulisses da Silva Fernandes, Glívia Angélica Rodrigues Barbosa, Bruno Azevedo Chagas, Gabriel Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, Raquel Oliveira Prates
Lessons Learned from Modeling the Interaction with Conversational Agents, pp. 139 - 173, abstract, download
"Intelligent conversational agents have become widespread. Inspired by conversations in natural language, they present different degrees of intelligence and autonomy, bringing challenges for Human-Comp..."

Rebecca Wiczorek
Evaluation of Thermotactile and Vibrotactile Cues to Improve Hazard Perception of Older Pedestrians,, pp. 174 - 193, abstract, download
"The aim of the experiment was to investigate how older people perform a task of hazard perception within different dual-task scenarios when being supported by an assistance system. Baseline performanc..."

Uğur Efe Uçar, Gözde Gökdemir, Ervin Garip
A Study of the Application of Virtual Reality Technology as an Anthropometric Measurement Tool, pp. 194 - 211, abstract, download
"Fundamental factors such as constantly changing space usage habits, evolving technology, and various physical and demographic characteristics of space users today call the accuracy of anthropometric a..."

Authors index - Authors' short bio