Past issues

• IxD&A N. 61 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)

Special Issue on:
Designing for People in Human-Robot Collaboration.
guest editors: Stine S. Johansen, Alan Burden, Eike Schneiders, Alexander N. Walzer

• IxD&A N. 60 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)

Special Issue on:
Smart Learning Ecosystems as engines of the twin transitions.
guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Oscar Mealha, Sirje Virkus

• IxD&A N. 59 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)

Special Issue on:
AI for Humans and Humans for AI: Towards Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age
guest editors: Alessandro Pagano, Anders Mørch, Vita Santa Barletta, Renate Andersen

• IxD&A N. 58 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)

Special Issue on:
Design Education for Hybrid Environments: Pedagogies, frameworks, and tools for crafting next-generation physical-digital spaces
guest editors: Daniel Rosenberg Munoz, Dina El Zanfaly, Peter Scupelli, Daragh Byrne

• IxD&A N. 57 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)

Special issue on:
Competence-based education: from school to responsible citizenship, wellbeing, and democracy.
guest editors: Ilaria Bortolotti, Stefano Cacciamani, Romina Cachia, Arianna Sala, Nadia Sansone

• IxD&A N. 56 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)

Special issue on:
Hybrid Games & Interaction Design
guest editors: Ana Patrícia Oliveira, Nelson Zagalo, Micael Sousa and Fotis Liarokapis

• IxD&A N. 55 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)

Special issue on:
Smart Learning Ecosystems: toward the polyphonic construction of a new normality
guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Patrizia Marti, Francesca Pozzi

• IxD&A N. 54 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)

Focus section on:
Online Social Environments for Active Ageing
guest editors: Ana Isabel Veloso, Carlos Santos, Sonia Ferreira, Liliana Vale Costa

• IxD&A N. 53 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)

Special issue on:
Gamification of the Learning Process
guest editors: Davide Carneiro, Pilar Cáceres, Mariana Reimão Carvalho

• IxD&A N. 52 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Special issue on:

Beyond the Pandemics & Wars: SLERD Reload
guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Tania Di Mascio, Oscar Mealha
Focus section on:
Educational Location-based Applications 
guest editors: Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Esteban W. G. Clua, Jimmy Jaldemark, Heinrich Söbke

• IxD&A N. 51 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Special issue on:
Speculative and Critical Design: approaches and influences in education
guest editors: Ingi Helgason, Enrique Encinas, Ivica Mitrovic, Michael Smyth

•  IxD&A N. 50 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Focus section on:
Design during and for Pandemics
guest editors: Vasiliki Mylonopoulou, Guido Giunti
Focus section on:
Decoding The Smart City 
guest editors: Teija Vainio, Elise Hodson, Michel Nader Sayún, Ralf-Martin Soe

•  IxD&A N. 49 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Special issue on:
Collaborative multimedia applications in technology
guest editors: César A. Collazos, Freddy Paz, Habib Fardoun

•  IxD&A N. 48 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Special issue on:
Augmenting Space: The role of immersive technologies in future cities
guest editors Callum Parker, Soojeong Yoo, Waldemar Jenek, Youngho Lee

•  IxD&A N. 47 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Special issue on:
Tools, Pedagogical and Ludic Strategies, Co-Design supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education
guest editors: Oscar Mealha, Traian Rebedea 

•  IxD&A N. 46 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Special issue on:
Learning and learning ecosystems in the time of Covid-19
guest edited by: ASLERD 

•  IxD&A N. 45 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Special issue on:
Designing for ownership in technology-enhanced learning (TEL): a core element for learners’ SRL and agency
guest editors: Ilona Buchem, Gemma Tur, Jesus Salinas
with a focus section on
End-user development challenges for creative computing
guest editors: Juan Manuel Dodero, Hongji Yang, Antonio Balderas

•  IxD&A N. 44 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Regular papers (R1)

•  IxD&A N. 43 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Smart Learning Ecosystems – Design as cornerstone of smart educational processes and places
guest editors: Carlo Giovannella and Stefania Manca

•  IxD&A N. 42 –  Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Co-Creation in the Design, Development and Implementation of Technology-Enhanced Learning
guest editors: Tamsin Treasure-Jones, Sebastian Dennerlein, Panagiotis Antoniou, István Koren

•  IxD&A N. 41 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Indigenous Knowledge and Practices contributing to new approaches in learning/educational technologies
guest editors: Kasper Rodil, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Tutaleni I. Asino, Tariq Zaman

•  IxD&A N. 40 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Games for Urban Sustainability
guest editors: Andrea Vesco, Salvatore Di Dio, Bernat Gaston

•  IxD&A N. 39 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Smart Learning Ecosystems – technologies, places, and human-centered design
guest editors: Hendrik Knoche and Elvira Popescu

•  IxD&A N. 38 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Human Computer Interaction Perspectives on Industry 4.0
guest editors: Mario Aehnelt, Ralf Klamma, Viktoria Pammer-Schindler
Inquiring the way we inquire
guest editors: Ines Di Loreto and  Elena Parmiggiani

•  IxD&A N. 37 – Table of contents: (static & dynamic) – Author Index: (static & dynamic)
Future Directions of UX Studies: Learning from Best Practices
guest editors: Anna-Katharina Frison, Florian Lachner, Andreas Riener, Ingrid Pettersson
Human-Work Interaction Design Meets International Development
guest editors: Pedro Campos, Barbara Rita Barricelli, Jose Abdelnour-Nocera

•  IxD&A N. 36 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Aging with ICTs in the 21st century
guest editors: Sergio Sayago, Josep Blat, Margarida Romero, Kim Sawchuk

•  IxD&A N. 35 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices
guest editors: Óscar Mealha, Monica Divitini, Matthias Rehm

•  IxD&A N. 34 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Emerging Design: Transforming the STEAM Learning Landscape with the Support of Digital Technologies
guest editors: Daniel Spikol, Jalal Nouri, Teresa Cerratto Pargman and Marcelo Milrad
 with a focus section on
‘Temporalities of Engagement: challenges of co-design in public spaces’guest editors: Alma Leora Culén and Dagny Stuedahl

•  IxD&A N. 33 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Connecting Learning Design and Learning Analytics
guest editors: Davinia Hernandez Leo, María Jesús Rodríguez-Triana, Paul Salvador Inventado, Yishay Mor

•  IxD&A N. 32 –  Table of contents – Author Index
The evolution of Human Building Interaction
guest editors: Hamed S. Alavi, Elizabeth Churchill, Denis Lalanne
 with a focus section on
‘Transforming books and the reading experience through interactive technologies’
guest editors: Mohammad Obaid, Ilgim Veryeri Alaca, Pawel W. Wozniak, Lars Lischke, Mark Billinghurst
and the continuation of
Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development 

•  IxD&A N. 31 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development
guest editors: Alke Martens, Radu Vasiu, Annika Wolff

•  IxD&A N. 30 –  Table of contents – Author Index
On Making
guest editors: Patrizia Marti, Joep Frens, Bart Hengeveld, Pierry Levy

•  IxD&A N. 29 –  Table of contents – Author Index
focus section 1 on
Player and Learner eXperience
guest editors: Rosella Gennari, Monica Divitini, Gabriella Dodero
focus section 2 on
Experiences of Technology Appropriation: Unanticipated Users, Usage, Circumstances, and Design
guest editors: Alina Krischkowsky, Nervo Verdezoto, Manfred Tscheligi, Michael Muller

•  IxD&A N. 28 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Mobile learning and Special Education
guest editors: Enrico Gandolfi, Richard E. Ferdig, Peña Bedesem, Cheng-Chang Lu
with a focus section on
Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems
guest editors: Marco de Gemmis, Nadja De Carolis, Andrej Košir, Marko Tkalcic

•  IxD&A N. 27 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Smart City Learning: Opportunities and Challenges
guest editors: Paloma Diaz, Monica Divitini, Fernando Ramos
with a focus section on
Innovation in Human Computer Interaction: What can we learn from Design Thinking?
guest editors: Alma Leora Culén and Asbjørn Følstad

• IxD&A N. 26 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Designing for Peripheral Interaction: seamlessly integrating interactive technology in everyday life
guest editors: Saskia Bakker, Doris Hausen, Elise van den Hoven, Ted Selker
with a focus section on
Design Antropology in Participatory Design
guest editors: Rachel Charlotte Smith & Mette Kjaersgaard

•  IxD&A N. 25 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Technology-enhanced assessment: Agency change in the educational eco-system
guest editors: Marco Kalz, Eric Ras, Denise Whitelock
with a focus section on
Making Places: Visualization, Interaction and Experience in Urban Space
guest editors: Paula Trigueiros, Michael Smyth, Ingi Helgason, Sarah Gallacher

•  IxD&A N. 24 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Peer-to-Peer Exchange and the Sharing Economy: Analysis, Designs, and Implications
guest editors: Victoria Bellotti and John M. Carroll
with a focus section on
Innovative Designs with Social, Mobile and Wearable Technologies for Creative Teaching and Learning
guest editors: Ilona Buchem, Isa Jahnke, Yishay Mor, Dimitris Apostolou

•  IxD&A N. 23 –  Table of contents – Author Index
The Design of TeL with Evidence and Users
guest editors: Juan Manuel Corchado, Fernando de la Prieta Pintado, Tania di Mascio, Rosella Gennari, Pierpaolo Vittorini
with a focus section on
Designing Self-Care For Everyday Life
guest editors: Nervo Verdezoto, Francisco Nunes, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Erik Grönvall

•  IxD&A N. 22 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Social Behaviors and Learning in Smart Communities
guest editors: Mihai Dascalu, Philippe Dessus, Nicolae Nistor, Stefan Trausan-Matu

•  IxD&A N. 21 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Design for Childrend and Old People – Educating the next Generation of Designers
guest editors: Caterina Calefato, Eva Eriksson, Chiara Ferrarini, Olof Torgersson

•  IxD&A N. 20 –  Table of contents – Author Index
People Centered Smart Territories: Design, Learning & Analytics

•  IxD&A N. 19 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Games for Learning
guest editors: Evangelia Dimaraki, Ginevra Castellano, Kostas Karpouzis, Rilla Khaled

•  IxD&A N. 18 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Culture of Participation in the Digital Age Empowering – End Users to Improve their Quality of Life
guest editors: David Díez Cebollero, Anders Mørch, Antonio Piccinno, Stefano Valtolina

•  IxD&A N. 17 –  Table of contents – Author Index
Smart City Learning – Visions and practical Implementations: toward Horizon 2020 – Part II

• IxD&A N. 16 –   Table of contents – Author Index
Smart City Learning – Visions and practical Implementations: toward Horizon 2020 – Part I

• IxD&A N. 15 – Table of contents – Author Index – Preface
Exploring the future of Technology Enhanced Education: visions, practical implementations and impact of glocalities
guest editors: Alke Martens and Sabine Graf

• IxD&A N. 13-14 – Table of contents – Author Index – Preface
HCI@Large: Educate to the new frontiers of the Human-Machine Interaction
guest editors: Carlo Giovannella and Patrizia Marti

• IxD&A N. 11-12 – Table of contents – Author Index – Preface
Evaluating Educative Experiences of Flexible and Personal Learning Environments
guest editors: Carlo Giovannella and Effie Lai-Chong Law

• IxD&A N. 9-10 – Table of contents – Author Index – Preface
Design Centered and Personalized Learning in Liquid and Ubiquitous Learning Places (DULP): Future Visions and Practical Implementations
guest editors: Carlo Giovannella and Sabine Graf
 ISBN 978-88-88044-10-1

• IxD&A N. 7-8 – Table of contents – Author Index – Preface – Manifesto
 (mainly in Italian) – ISBN 978-88-88044-15-6

• IxD&A N. 5-6 – Table of contents – Author Index – Preface
 ISBN 978-88-88044-14-9

• IxD&A N. 3-4 – Table of contents – Author Index – Preface

• IxD&A N. 1-2 – Table of contents – Author Index

• IxD&A N. 0 – Table of contents – Author Index